The ESL Program provides support to Georgia State University graduate students who speak English as a second or other language. We offer a variety of courses to help students succeed in their degree programs.
To enroll in courses, students must first be admitted to a Georgia State University degree program at the graduate level.
If you are not a current Georgia State University student, you may be interested in the Intensive English Program (IEP). For information about the IEP, a non-credit English language program, click here.
ESL 7100 Building Academic Language (2 credits)
Expand your academic vocabulary for improved speaking, reading and writing fluency. Explore the use of online tools to improve your understanding and productive use of general academic vocabulary, phraseology, discipline-specific collocations and related grammar structures. Complete written and spoken activities to practice and apply this knowledge.
ESL 7250 Academic Listening & Speaking for Graduate Students (3 credits)
Develop communication skills needed to give effective academic and professional presentations, actively participate in small talk and discussions, better understand academic lectures, and improve English fluency and pronunciation.
ESL 7350 Academic Writing for Graduate Students (3 credits)
Analyze and write academic genres (e.g., data commentary, summaries, critiques), develop research writing skills (paraphrasing, synthesizing, citing), practice the writing process (including developing revision and editing skills), and refine the use of academic vocabulary and grammar.
ESL 7400 Reading and Summarizing Research (2 credits)
Develop critical reading and summarizing skills, focusing on research articles. Apply reading strategies to improve your understanding of academic articles, write summaries and critiques, and compile an annotated bibliography or literature review of articles from your field.
ESL 7500 Teaching at the University for International GTAs (3 credits)
Gain valuable classroom language and intercultural skills, complete microteaching sessions on topics in your discipline, and analyze the teaching of undergraduate courses. ESL 7250 is a prerequisite if GSTEP is recommended.
Graduate students can self-select courses or are recommended for specific courses based on their GSTEP scores. For information about the GSTEP.
Courses are credit-bearing but do not affect grade point averages. Students earn a “satisfactory” grade (S) with a course average of 80% or higher.
Course descriptions and additional information can be found in the current graduate catalog.
Contact Us
Department of Applied Linguistics & ESL
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Department Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
ESL Program
GSTEP questions
IEP Program
Office/Delivery Address
Dept. of Applied Linguistics & ESL
25 Park Place
15th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
USPS Mailing Address
Dept. of Applied Linguistics & ESL
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4099
Atlanta, GA 30302-4099